Cats Invade NFTs! $1.32M in Sales for Alien Cats

Published at: July 16, 2024

Polygon-based Alien Cats Dominates the Market

An NFT collection based on the Polygon blockchain, known as the Alien Cats, took the spotlight of the NFT market on Monday by making a total sale of $1.32 million, according to CryptoSlam. Each one of the newly launched NFTs was sold for $30,000; there were only 11 unique buyers and sellers.

π Collection Comes in Second

The second-placed π collection of BRC-20 NFT racked up sales of $1.12 million, a dashing increase over the $418,754 the previous day.

DMarket Claims Third Spot

The third-place finisher was DMarket — a collection centred on virtual in-game items and NFTs on the Mythos network. Monday saw the marketplace clock 25,480 transactions that gathered a total of $579,888 in sales.

Other Notable Collections

The other notable collections that made it to the top list include NodeMonkes and DogeZuki Collection, rated fourth and fifth, respectively. NodeMonkes recorded a sale of $471,749 from 46 transactions, while DogeZuki Collection recorded $443,920 with an impressively attractive 10,429 transactions.

Community Engagement and Market Appeal

NodeMonkes showed much community engagement, with their average price-per-NFT pegged at $10,255, but DogeZuki Collection appealed to the general market with an average price of $42.57.

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Shubham Sahu
Content Writer

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